Our Story

About Us
Telos /tÉ›lÉ’s/ (pronounced ‘TELL-os’)
Greek word for “goal”, “aim”, or ”purpose”
A philosopher named Aristotle popularised the usage by explaining it as, “the inherent purpose of any thing” or “the ultimate reason for each person being the way they are”. At Telos Mental Wellness, we believe that all of us have our unique potential for achievement of virtuous (i.e. morally good) goals.
It’s perfectly fine if you haven’t figured out your telos, we can explore it together through our private and confidential counselling sessions. If you’ve discovered your telos but are unsure how to get there or perhaps, just want some company from our friendly therapists for the journey, then it would be our honour to help you get to where you want to be.
Our Mission
We are three individuals who came from different parts of the country, became close friends, and ended up becoming licensed and registered counsellors together. We founded Telos Mental Wellness based on our shared core values of wanting to be advocates of mental health. There is a long way to go before the stigma of mental health issues in Malaysia is eliminated. Many still hold negative stereotypes about seeking psychological services that are untrue and unhelpful. Our mission is to normalise the idea of seeking help for mental health issues by ensuring our counselling services are easily accessible, affordable, and most importantly, supportive.
Another objective of ours is to address the misconception that therapy is only for those struggling with issues. At Telos Mental Wellness, we believe that health is a continuum. Anyone can enjoy the benefits of therapy, and go from strength to strength in their lives. In short, we hope that everyone attends therapy, not just to resolve their problems, but to help themselves flourish in all domains in life. We understand that life can be complicated, so we aspire to provide you with a comfortable, conducive environment to share and work towards being your best self. There are no concerns too big or too small; we are here for you.