Thinking Of Trying Out Therapy But Unsure Of What To Expect? Telos Mental Wellness Breaks Down The Procedure Of Your Initial Session For You!
We understand that the thought of attending therapy can be pretty daunting!
Shrouded in mystery, there’s not a lot of information about what really happens in a therapy session. As such, this drives some people away from seeking therapy as they just don’t know what to expect. After all, how can we trust something we don’t truly understand? To ease your journey in therapy, we’ve prepared a quick run-down on what typically happens in your first appointment with us.
Before Your Initial Session
Your first appointment, also called an intake session here at Telos Mental Wellness, tends to differ from future sessions. Your forthcoming sessions would be where the “therapy” really begins. Once you have made an appointment with your therapist, you will receive a confirmation email for the appointment with a few common therapy forms. You will need to read and fill them up prior to attending the intake session. These forms help your therapist know a bit about what led you to seek therapy and what you would like to work on in therapy (therapy goals). In addition, the forms help you, the client, be informed about the therapeutic relationship, ethical guidelines pertaining to therapy, and the likes of it.
During Your Initial Session
When you begin your intake session, your therapist will go through the forms together with you. This is also a good time to ask your therapist for more information about anything within the forms. You and your therapist will then have a conversation to understand you and your situation better. This session is also a great way for you and your therapist to get acquainted. Feel free to ask your therapist about any information that you are curious about with regards to therapy. Some of the more common questions include:
How long have you been a therapist?
Where did you get your qualifications from?
Have you always wanted to be a therapist?
Do you have any experience with my specific type of issue?
What is your therapeutic modality?
Do I need to do anything in between sessions?
How often should I attend sessions?
At the End of the Initial Session
Your therapist will recommend a treatment plan for you. Your therapist may also check in with you to see how you feel about the session and your thoughts about continuing therapy with him/her. Based on your feedback, your therapist will discuss how to move forward from there. Here are some things you can ask yourself to help you evaluate your experience:
Does my therapist show acceptance and compassion towards me?
Does my therapist show respect and treat me as an equal?
Does my therapist help me in feeling comfortable to speak about my problems?
Does my therapist allow me to feel heard when I share my issues?
Therapy is an incredibly individualised process.
Sometimes, you and your therapist may click instantly while other times it can take a few sessions before you find that you are truly comfortable with your therapist. Rest assured, if you feel like you’re just not clicking even after the intake session, you can be honest and let your therapist know. It will be beneficial to have a conversation about your feedback so that your therapist can fully understand your thoughts about the session and to clear any potential misunderstandings. In this situation, your therapist will then recommend another therapist who will be a better fit for you based on your feedback. In any case, you can rely on your therapist to be professional.
For all of the benefits we know about attending therapy, taking that step to attend your first therapy session can be scary. We would imagine it’s a bit like how no one truly enjoys going to the dentist, despite knowing that oral health is vital. However, much like opening your mouth to your dentist, opening your mind to your therapist can also be initially scary, yet ultimately rewarding experience.
If you are interested in trying out therapy or have more questions you need answered before you take the leap, please feel free to contact the team at Telos Mental Wellness at